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Der Kommunikationsdesigner Steffen Kraft legt den Finger dorthin, wo es wehtut. Genau da sollten wir hinsehen.

TTT - Titel Thesen Temperamente (ARD)

Scrollen statt Kuscheln, Weggucken statt Helfen und die ewige Gier nach Geld und Likes: Der Illustrator Iconeo zeichnet ein düsteres (und realistisches?) Bild der modernen Gesellschaft.


Artist Highlights The Problems Of Our Society Through 30 Illustrations.
Just like Neo from The Matrix, we sometimes get a strange feeling deep in our guts that something is not quite right with the world. German artist Steffen Kraft, who also goes by the name Iconeo online, makes amazing social commentary pictures that highlight how ironic, weird and even hypocritical life can sometimes be.


Mit klugen Illustrationen macht der Künstler Steffen Kraft die Widersprüche unserer Welt sichtbar: Seine Bilder zeigen den oft erschreckenden Zustand unserer Gesellschaft – und wie selbstverständlich wir damit umgehen.


Steffen Kraft aka ICONEO was born in Heidelberg (Germany), studied communication design in Wiesbaden and founded an advertising agency in 2009. After eight years working in advertising he left his agency in 2017 to focus my work on design projects and illustrations with a contemporary and yet funny twist. Steffen wants to create an imagined and illustrative version of the world and everything that surrounds us in our daily life. Some people call him „digital activist“, because he loves to spend his time with themes like social justice, climate change, animal rights or cultural exchange.


Designer tedesco con uno stile rétro che sfocia senza troppe malinconie in una vena allegra, il tedesco Steffen Kraft, per il web Iconeo, crea illustrazioni totalmente calate nella realtà contemporanea e dall’obbiettivo marcatamente etico.


„Ein deutscher Künstler illustriert die bitteren Wahrheiten der modernen Welt und bringt uns zum Nachdenken.“

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